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Straipsniai » Koreguojantis apatinis trikotažas

How to wear a corset

The historical epoch passed when the corset hung on the back of the chair of each female bedroom, no matter who its owner was. Today, this delicate detail of the wardrobe is used much less often, but in vain. This is a great opportunity to emphasize the dignity of your figure and correct a couple of shortcomings, bringing it closer to the ideal.

To use a corset, in principle, it is possible everywhere, whether it be an evening or a day suit, a passionate night of love or a shopping trip, it all depends on your taste and imagination. But traditionally use corsets in evening and weekend outfits.

Models can be very different, with a decor for wearing "outside", smooth underwear options, erotic for a loved one and denim for a youth get-together. Finishing is very different, from lacquered leather to hand embroidery and precious stones.

Take the choice of corset carefully, first think carefully about why you need it, with what and where you would like to wear it. The model is chosen not only for the soul, but also, of course, in the figure. If you do not belong to the category of miniature women, then exclude ruches and frills, which, by the way, will very much transform a figure with a small breast. Also for breast augmentation there are corsets with a "secret" in the form of imperceptible pads under the chest, which raise and increase it. The corset with circular straps is very beautiful and sexy, will be a good addition to the costume of ladies with narrow shoulders and hips.

If your figure is close to perfect, you can afford almost everything, but a classic corset with a deep neckline and a weak fit will suit you most, as well as all the podgotnye models.

So, the precious corset is still bought. How to properly wear it?

At once take into consideration, that the corset, even the most qualitative and expensive, will not make your figure impeccable. Even if you can pull your tummy and lift your chest to unthinkable dimensions, then it's unlikely that you'll have to breathe easily and freely. Health is more expensive, so be good