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Proper care of the female breast to preserve its shape

Start taking care of your bust in advance - while it's still beautiful. The bust needs care. Unacceptable lightheadedness - leaving careless beautiful, firm breasts, hoping that they will always be so.

Physical culture and cold water are wonderful and cheapest means of caring for a bust. Gymnastic exercises help to maintain the elasticity of muscles, and cold water - the elasticity of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Regardless of the shape of the breasts, the main thing is to provide them with normal blood circulation. After a hot bath, rinse your chest with a cold shower. Better yet, if you do this every morning. If the shower does not, rinse the chest with cold water from the tap or from a well using a sponge. Wipe off, do not rub the breasts too much and smear them with cream. Remember that the breast can not be massaged with either hands or electric appliances, since the harm from such a massage can be much more than good.

The best types of "sport for breasts" - tennis, volleyball, basketball, and especially - swimming. Bad posture - the enemy of a beautiful bust! Women who spend the whole day sitting at the desk, and spend the evenings in chairs and couches in front of the TV (the back of the wheel and the chest are concave), do not be surprised if their breasts in a few years will not be between the third and seventh ribs (where they should be), but "a few" below. Beautiful posture - this in no way means that you have to walk and stand, as if swallowed. But the stomach should be drawn in, the shoulders straightened. If this posture becomes familiar to you, you will unwillingly try to support it constantly.

It should be noted that some factors during puberty girls can affect the shape and size of her breasts. If you eat right in these years, you can prevent the deposition of excess fat on the bust. Excess fat layer contributes to its weighting. And heavy breasts begin to sag under their own weight ...

If later you want to "sit down" on a diet, the soft layer of fat "melt" the very first - and that's the second step to the "sluggish" chest. Therefore, advice: in moderation eat dietary meat, fish, skim cheese, eggs, milk, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, do not abuse potatoes, rice, bread, and especially pasta or other flour products, with different sweets.

If, in spite of everything, your breasts keep a tendency to a certain obesity, in time get a comfortable bra. If the breasts are too large: a weight loss course will affect your bust. But be careful - lose weight gradually, for a long time, otherwise the breast will become "sluggish". During the course, try to exercise as much as possible, take a "chest" cold shower. And do not forget to change the bra on time to a smaller one, as soon as this becomes necessary.

If you have a slim figure, but too luxurious a bust, then, unfortunately, the owner has little chance of improving his shape. Wear a comfortable bra - it in any case should not be cramped for you. Return the breasts, which have become "sluggish" the former firmness and freshness is difficult, but possible. You must have patience for training, which can last for years ...

What to do? First of all - stand straight, sit straight, swim a lot, sleep on a low pillow and on a bed with a solid foundation, do gymnastics every day and take a cold shower.

If the breast is too small to eat rich in vitamins and protein food. Every day, drink a liter of milk, which is good to add one yolk. Every morning, take a massage shower - make a circular motion around the chest with a hand shower. After the shower, massage your breasts lightly with the addition of a small amount of any vegetable oil.

Do every morning a set of gymnastic exercises aimed at breast augmentation. Talk to your doctor. Perhaps you have broken hormonal activity. Do not lose hope and have patience, if, despite all your efforts, the volume of the breast does not increase. After all, the body must rebuild, and this process is long-term. In addition, let it be comforted that small breasts do not age longer.