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Size table of orthopedic underwear

EUR 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
Band size – Under bust, cm
63-67 68-72 73-77 78-82 83-87 88-92 93-97 98-102 103-107 108-112 113-117 118-122
Cup size – Over bust, cm, cm
A 77-79 82-84 87-89 92-94 97-99 102-104 107-109 112-114 117-119 122-124 127-129 132-134
B 79-81 84-86 89-91 94-96 99-101 104-106 109-111 114-116 119-121 124-126 129-131 134-136
C 81-83 86-88 91-93 96-98 101-103 106-108 111-113 116-118 121-123 126-128 131-133 136-138
D 83-85 88-90 93-95 98-100 103-105 108-110 113-115 118-120 123-125 128-130 133-135 138-140
E 85-87 90-92 95-97 100-102 105-107 110-112 115-117 120-122 125-127 130-132 135-137 140-142
F 87-89 92-94 97-99 102-104 107-109 112-114 117-119 122-124 127-129 132-134 137-139 142-144
G 89-91 94-96 99-101 104-106 109-111 114-116 119-121 124-126 129-131 134-136 139-141 144-146

Как определять размерыTo pick up a bra for purchase in the online store without trying them is quite difficult, because different manufacturers have different patterns for sewing clothes. Here we present a table of your actual body measurements in centimeters European (EUR) size, which is sewn on clothes in a factory "Kudreshov".

Recommendations on the selection of orthopedic underwear

Do not forget that when you choose an orthopedic bra, the most important thing - is that you yourself feel comfortable for the perfect maintenance of the bra and prosthesis.

1. If you wear dentures, with fitting bra is important that it is well maintained your chest. Please try not to focus on the prosthesis, because it can not match the size of your natural breast, if you will get better or lose weight.

2. Bra straps, with which it embraces the body to be lifted up is not horizontal and upwards.

3.Byustgalter should hold well in front of its center should be at the center of the chest.

4. Your breasts should fill the bra cup with no wrinkling.

5. Your chest should not lean out of the bra cups.

6. A simple example - how to check the suitability of girth Bra slide the two fingers under the strap, they should fit loosely.

7. When trying on a bra first fasten the hooks on the last row. If you get better, or bra will be free from wear and tear, you will be able to fasten the hooks to the next level.

8. When fitting always check the position of the prosthesis, whether it is in the cup.


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